If you are a business owner, you likely get calls and solicitations from credit card processing companies each and every day. Many of these companies may claim to offer incredible rates and services, but there is often a catch. As you listen to these slick salesmen, keep the following things in mind to ensure that you are receiving top-notch service.
Does the credit card processing company offer next day funding?
If your processing company is claiming that it will take 2-4 days to access your money, you should know that there are other options. With our next day funding merchant account, you can receive money in your checking account in less than 24 hours.
Does your provider offer low-priced credit card machines?
Many companies will claim to give away credit card machines to hook customers. The problem with this approach is that the company will end up making the money back from the machine in fees and other surcharges. And if you close your account they will charge you a fee to return the machine or claim that they never received it back and hit you with $600+ as a replacement fee. You are almost always better off purchasing the machine from a reputable credit card processing company that is focused on your needs and not overcharging you for equipment.
What are the hidden fees that they are selectively ignoring?
Ask them what the MidQualified and NonQualified rates are for the account, also make sure that you understand if they will be charging you a monthly minimum in addition to monthly fees. Many credit card companies fail to mention that they have a minimum fee that they will charge you, simply so that they insure they make money from your account.
Ready to make the switch to Leap Payments?
If you are ready to partner with a payment processing company with great customer service, as well as next day funding and low equipment costs and no hidden fees, give Leap Payments a call today at 800-993-6300. We would be happy to give you a quote on how we can help you save money, starting as soon as today!