Alcohol & Liquor
Merchant Accounts
At Leap Payments our goal is to make sure that your business can process credit cards. We can support industries considered by some to be high risk with domestic and even off shore solutions, so your business can accept credit cards.
Alcohol & Liquor Merchant Accounts
Accept Credit Card Payments with A Liquor Merchant Account
Running and operating a business requires a large amount of focus and planning to become successful. In no other industry is this proven truer than for companies looking to offer beer, wine and liquor sales. This is due to the difficult to juggle tasks of satisfying customer needs while still maintaining full compliance of industry laws and regulations. Alcohol merchants often rely on credit cards from customers as payment to make revenue and continue to grow. Especially with the huge growth in online sales of alcohol, liquor merchants need a partner for online credit card processing on their websites to ensure timely payments and that customers get the products they need without delay. These custom-tailored alcohol and liquor merchant accounts are available from Leap Payments.
With the economy on the mend, and with online sales offering a convenient way to make purchases, the liquor industry has been making impressive gains recently. Owing to advances in age authentication technologies, and of online security in general, people feel more confident and more secure buying alcohol products online.
Unfortunately, the very nature of your business means that financial institutions and credit card processing companies consider you to be a high risk. One of the main reasons that traditional merchant service providers cannot and will not service online alcohol merchants is because their partnering bank refuses to do so. When looking for an alcohol merchant account, the credit card processor you choose and the bank they partner with will make all the different as the bank is the one who gives the final approval.
Why is Online Alcohol & Liquor Sales Considered High Risk?
When it comes to alcohol sales, the stigma attached to liquor poses a bit of a problem when it comes to partnering with credit card processors that work with banks that are more concerned about public relations than dealing with high risk merchants.
There is also the fact that alcohol retail sales are heavily regulated. In reality, this should mean that upstanding merchants like you who obtain all the legal prerequisites should be considered as low risk and as deserving of liquor credit card processing services as a retail merchant. But in the eyes of those who would provide your alcohol merchant services account, the opposite is true.
The one true risk that warrants consideration is the problem of underage sales online. For some time now, it has been exceptionally difficult for online alcohol merchants to avoid accidentally selling to minors. While some challenge does remain, there are a number of ways this problem is dealt with. One such solution is the requirement for the buyer to provide an adult digital signature.

Adult digital signatures are obtained by the buyer by attaching their signature to a verified bank account where the individual is identified as being over the legal drinking age. Requiring your online customers to present a digital adult signature is not difficult. But it does stand as an additional barrier to obtaining your alcohol merchant account.
Getting Approved in a High-Risk Industry
The very nature of the liquor industry makes operating a business inside the space challenging for their owners. In addition to The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and age regulations put on various products, there are also rules for merchant account providers that they must follow before working with any companies. The future of the online alcohol and liquor sales is still unclear legally, which can potentially lead to higher rates of chargebacks than normally intended or allowed. Because of these many challenges, finding a processor that will agree to giving a merchant account to a liquor company is extremely difficult.
Banks and lenders often label companies with alcohol sales as high risk for a variety of reasons. Often, financial institutions might not fully grasp how the liquor industry works and this results in a lot of denials just because they do not want to take a chance. Leap Payments is here to help if you’ve had trouble acquiring online credit card processing or if you’ve been told your business is too high risk. We understand the alcohol and liquor industry, online and in-store, and we’ll develop a customized solution that meets your unique business needs.
Access User Friendly Alcohol Credit Card Processing
While the mainstream credit card processing providers continue to cater to traditional businesses that they have known and understand for years and avoid what they consider to be public relations issues. Here at Leap Payments, we have made it our goal to provide quality services to high risk industries that others will not.
We have taken special care to cater to businesses like yours. When you apply, be matched with a liquor credit card processing specialist that understands your industry and will place you with a banking solution that fits your specific needs, and submit your application which will normally be approved in as little as 24 hours.
We walk you through the process to make sure you tick all the right boxe, gather all the supporting documentation and have the best chance of being approved.
Leap Payments Can Get You a Liquor Merchant Account
As a seller of alcohol and liquor, having a card processing partner that keeps your best interests in mind lets you get back to focusing on what is most important – your business. Leap Payments makes it easy to set up a merchant account and our pricing plans are designed to give you the flexibility to run your company all while paying the lowest possible rates with fast funding. Easy to integrate online processing into your pre-existing system on nearly every website shopping cart so your customers can continue to conveniently place orders. All transactions are completed safe and secured so you will have a lower risk of fraudulent incidences that end up costing you more. Contact Leap Payments today and speak to a liquor merchant account specialist for more information.
Do You Have a Brick & Mortar Establishment?
It isn’t just online alcohol merchants who need liquor credit card processing services. In today’s digital world, many of your customers will not carry cash. That means, if you can’t take credit and debit cards, chances are they won’t come back from that trip to the ATM machine.
You need to access your liquor merchant account and liquor merchant services as soon as possible. Don’t let the generic, low risk processing companies keep you down!
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