Merchant Accounts
At Leap Payments our goal is to make sure that your business can process credit cards. We can support industries considered by some to be high risk with domestic and even off shore solutions, so your business can accept credit cards.
E-Commerce Merchant Accounts
Merchant Account for E-Commerce Businesses
E-commerce has been on the boom for years, last year netting $340 billion dollars. The single most important role of an e-commerce company is having the ability to collect payments of all forms. Whether your business operates strictly online or if you have physical stores as well, you can increase profits by having a merchant account that doesn’t limit your potential. Despite the popularity and growth of e-commerce for years, the industry still gets labeled as high risk in many situations. Leap Payments doesn’t see it that way. Our e-commerce experts can get approval quickly and create a custom solution for any online store.
High-Risk Industries Make Approvals Harder
Banks and lenders are often the ones who look at the e-commerce industry as high risk for one reason or another. Many times, these financial institutions do not have the best understanding of how the industry works. It is because of this that they will deny an application for the simple reason of not wanting to take a chance. Chargebacks are often another red flag that effect the e-commerce space because of how products are bought and paid for. Leap Payments has solutions and partners with banks specialized in the high-risk industry. While many credit card providers will run your application without really having a chance of approval, we fight on your side to get you up and running as fast as possible.
Pick Leap Payments for E-Commerce Processing
When looking for a card processing partner, it is important for e-commerce merchant find someone that works in their best interest. Leap Payments makes it easy to set up a merchant account. This way, you can get back to focusing on what is most important; your business. Get the flexibility you need, at the lowest possible rates and receive the funding when you need it with our pricing plans. Easily integrate credit card processing into your existing system, no matter the website shopping cart, so you can provide your customers with convenient ordering. Our gateway also adds a layer of security to lower the risk of fraudulent transactions and save you money. Contact a Leap Payments e-commerce account consultant today for more information.

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