Cash Discount Program
Drastically Reduce Your Credit Card Processing Fees.
Merchants Save $9500/yr On Average.
You Only Ever Pay $39.99/mo!
Accept All Cards Types
Accept all card types as payment without the increased cost of network and transaction fees.
Lower Processing Fees
Run as many transactions as you want and only pay one, set monthly fee. As low as $39.99/mo!
No Hidden Fees, Ever
Your monthly processing costs are set. No hidden fees, only additional money saved for your business.
Say Goodbye to Your Monthly
Credit Card Processing Fees! 〈〈
Tired of paying exorbitant fees for your business’ credit card processing but still need to accept credit card payments? The cash discount program is exactly the solution for you. Save money by avoiding credit card fees and retain more of your revenue for growing your business.
Accept Payments From All Major Payment Card & Wallet Brands

Should Your Business Offer A Discount For Paying In Cash? 〈〈
The cash discount is great for all types of card present businesses. Leap Payments’ cash discount program has helped hundreds of businesses reduce their monthly processing fees by thousands a year. Here are just a few of the merchant types that have started using our cash discount program.
- Antique Stores
- Auto Repair Shops
- Bakeries
- Churches
- Coffee Shops
- CPAs
- Daycare Centers
- Doctor Offices
- Dry Cleaners
- Electrical Services
- Extermination Providers
- Food Trucks
- Freelancers
- Fundraisers
- Gas Stations
- Hair Salons
- Home Security Providers
- Home Services
- Law Offices
- Lawn Care Providers
- Nail Salons
- Non-Profit Charities
- Organizations
- Personal Services
- Pet Grooming
- Plumbing Services
- Pool Care Providers
- Professional Services
- Restaurants
- Retail Clothing Stores
- Roofing & Windows
- Smoke Shops
- Spa/Massage
- Specialty Boutiques
- Takeout/Delivery
- Variety Stores
How Does Cash Discount Processing Work? 〈〈
The cash discount program was developed as a way for merchants to offset a vast majority or their credit card processing fees. Merchants choose a service fee, which is then applied to all products, and offer a discount to customers paying in cash. These cash paying customers will not receive the additional fee, while credit card paying customers will see a line item on their receipt showing the fee amount set by the merchant.
When a merchant grows tired of overpaying for their processing fees and decides to implement a cash discount program, they are required to post signage. This cash discount program signage informs customers about the non-cash associated fee. The last thing is to update your terminal to add the appropriate fee to their transaction. Leap Payments’ program makes this easy!
Fill out a contact form or give us a call and one of our cash discount specialists will explain the best options for your business.
Pick your EMV-enabled credit card terminal and it will be delivered straight to your door. We’ll help get it set up and running.
Place all the cash discounts signs in your shop for customers to see. Now, you can just sit back and save money on every transaction.
Can access the DeNovo business portal for transaction upload, signature capture, loyalty backup, Call Me, Messaging and more.
WiFi models are also an available option with Tri Comm (Dial, WiFi and IP). Easy setup with automatic network detection.
Standard features to accept payments for Samsung Pay, Apple Pay, Android and all other NFC, contactless payments.
EMV certified chip readers are integrated into all Dejavoo Z series, cash discount terminals. Accept card payments securely.
Dejavoo Z8 EMV Chip Card Terminal
- Ethernet
- WiFi
- Contactless
- Quick Chip for EMV
- P2PE
Dejavoo Z11 Touch Screen Terminal
- Ethernet
- WiFi
- Contactless
- Touchscreen
- Quick Chip for EMV
- P2PE
Dejavoo Z9 Wireless Cash Discount Terminal
- WiFi
- Wireless
- Contactless
- Touchscreen
- P2PE
PAX S80 Credit Card Only Terminal
- Ethernet
- Contactless
- Quick Chip for EMV
- P2PE
- *Does not support PIN debit*
Cash Discount Signage 〈〈
Merchants are required to follow a couple rules when they get started processing with our cash discount program. Following these simple rules is all that is required to stay compliant. One of the most important rules is to clearly display signage with information about this program to customers. It is vital that the verbiage signage is worded correctly and in a compliant fashion. Also, the cash discount signage must concisely convey the details of the program to customers and inform them of any potential fees they may pay.
Q. How does the Leap Payments’ Cash Discount Program work?
This cash discount processing program is a way for any merchant to dramatically reduce, or even completely eliminate their credit card processing fees. If works by having the merchant add a service fee that applies to all products and transactions. But, as an incentive to pay with cash, the merchant then gives a discount to customers making cash payments. The customers that choose to utilize their credit card for the transaction will see the service fee line added to their receipt. Conversely, customers who pay with cash will see a cash discount line item added to their receipt. Merchants that are using a cash discounting program, are required to post signs informing customers about the fee applied to all items, and also update their terminal application to add the appropriate fee to transactions. Leap Payments’ program makes lowering your costs easy!
Q. Is It Legal to Charge a Credit Card Fee?
Yes, our cash discounting program is legal in all 50 states. Due to the Dodd-Frank Act, card payment networks are prohibited from preventing a merchant from giving their customers a discount based on their payment method: “from inhibiting the ability of anyone to provide a discount for payment by cash, checks, debit cards, or credit cards.”
Q. I’ve never heard of a Cash Discount Program before, is it new?
Actually, no, it isn’t. Tons of businesses have been offering discounts for customer who pay with cash for years. In the United States, it is very common to see a lower price displayed if you make you purchase with cash. You have probably seen how popular it is at gas and service stations across the country.
Q. Is this like a surcharge? (Cash Discount VS Credit Card Surcharge)
No, offering a discount to customers who choose to pay with cash is a completely different situation than adding a surcharging, convenience fee when it comes to the card brands’ regulations.Surcharging Credit Cards: Surcharging is allowed under specific situations determined by the card associations but it is not common. Surcharging is adding a penalty fee only to customers who use a credit card and is illegal in ten states.Advantages of Cash Discount: Conversely, a merchant is always allowed to give their customers a discount on their products and services as they see fit. Cash discounting is just the business owner exercising this given right and is legal in all 50 states.
Q. Does this cash discount program mean I’ll have fee-free credit card processing?
Just about! A vast majority of merchants using our program will see a drastic (95-100%) reduction in their monthly processing bill. A few merchants may still receive some smaller fees on their bills. These fees are due to variations in interchange prices. We will setup your merchant account billing on a daily discount structure. This means that your processing fees are taken out daily instead of all at once at the end of the month. Monthly statements will show your low total processing fees as well as the amount that is being deposited into your bank account. To cover participation in the program, you will also have a small subscription fee.
Q. What’s the difference between a percentage fee and a flat per transaction fee?
The fee method is chosen based on your average transaction size. If your business has an average transaction size under $15, you will most likely be setup on a flat dollar amount, per transaction fee. If your business For those with a larger than $15 average ticket, a transaction fee of 3.99% works best. By using your average transaction size, we are able to cover as much of your processing costs as possible.
Q. If I charge a fee for credit card transactions, won’t my customer be upset and I’ll lose business?
According to the other hundreds of business owners’ using our program, this has not been the experience. As the amount of customers using cash continues to decline, going to an ATM and paying the ATM fees (sometimes over 5%) becomes more of a hassle than just paying a little extra to use a card. The transaction fee on an individual transaction (4% or a small flat fee) has a negligible effect on the consumer, but is has a significant effect on lowering your business costs.
Explaining to the customer that the cash discount program enables you to continue providing top notch goods and services without having to also increase all of your prices. Customers have repeatedly shown that they will continue doing business with cash discount merchants.
Q. What current regulations exist?
Our cash discount program meets all major credit card brands, state and federal standard regulations. The transaction fee, whether it be a flat per transaction fee or a percentage fee, are applied to all products and payment types. This is required to be compliant with regulations. For standard, product pricing a small service fee (similar to automatic service gratuity at a restaurant) is added to all sales. This is true, no matter the payment type (checks, cash, credit cards, debit cards, etc.)
The Durbin Amendment states that merchants are free to offer a discount and to encourage customers to pay via methods that are not a card. If a customer does pay their transaction with cash, then the discount is automatically applied at the time of sale and will show as a new line on their receipt.Several new credit card industry rulings went into effect as of January 27, 2013. This was the result of a federal class action litigation settlement against Visa and MasterCard. The settlement required that these two large credit card companies allow merchants who accept their cards as payment “to offer discounts to customers who pay with payment forms less expensive than Bank Debit cards.”