Most businesses rely upon credit card payments because it is convenient for customers. However, credit card processing companies can take days, even weeks to deposit money into a business owner’s bank account. If there’s a problem, or if credit card payouts are submitted during a holiday, that time can take even longer. Change those sales to revenue without all the lag time. With next day funding*, don’t sweat the down times in business—meet those financial obligations without unwanted payment delays.
What Is the First Step?
To access Next Day Funding, businesses need a major credit card like a Visa, Discover, American Express, or a MasterCard. Next, prepare the transaction batch, as you normally would, and complete the process as late as 10 pm EST. Now choose which payout option — 2 to 3 day funding, or next day funding. That’s it! Check the bank the following day (or on Monday during the weekends) and find a fully funded batch.
What’s the Catch?
Contrary to some services, Next Day Funding won’t cost an arm and a leg. A small monthly fee is applied — no more than $9.95, depending on the size of the batch, and there are no sneaky hidden fees. These fees don’t change even if you opt for a next day transfer.
Businesses that accept credit cards should not be penalized for providing this handy service to customers. Allow your merchant services provider to speed up the process without harsh fees and added costs. Companies face enough challenges in today’s marketplace, without sweating out credit card payments or postponing needed purchases. Put your mind at rest with this handy service.
*Next day funding is not guaranteed for all merchant accounts. Available only for qualifying merchants. To see if you qualify, call (800) 993-6300 now and speak to an account specialist.