Statement Review & Analysis Services

We want to help you understand exactly what you’re paying for credit card processing, because the only way to minimize your costs is to understand what you’re paying and what you can do to reduce these costs. Our industry experts have well over 15 years experience in statement reviews and helping clients and can demonstrate that not all processors want to hide their fees.

We’re continually amazed that almost every statement that we see from even the same processor or bank can come in thousands of different formats. We’ve probably seen over ten thousand different types of statements and realize that the only reason that our competition has so many different statement types is to hide information or intentionally mislead your business.

If you’ve ever really looked at your credit card processing statement, you’ve seen:

  • The numbers simply don’t make any sense
  • Not enough information is provided
  • The information is intentionally misleading
  • Your rates/fees have changed and now nothing makes sense, or
  • All of the above

We Provide Merchant Services Differently

We provide the same extremely detailed statement to every client, because you need to know what you’re paying. We also offer a Statement Review Service so you can see a direct comparison of your existing credit card processing statement with the Leap Payments services.

Why Don’t Other Processing Providers Offer This Level of Service?

Frankly, not many credit card processing sales reps even understand the complex fee structures imposed by the credit card associations and how it impacts your business. With our deep industry experience, we can provide you the information that you need to make an educated decision.

How Does The Statement Review Work?

Upload your statement using the form below or fax it to (800) 993-9635 and a payments consultant will complete the analysis you and contact you directly to discuss the results. You’ll be back in control of your finances and it will be well worth the time that you invest. The typical client saves between 20%-60% in processing fees with the Leap Payments service.

Statement Review Form

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